The building is more than 80% completed with some areas closer to 90% and others less than 50% (by design for staging).
The plans are to finish and license the ground floor first for polyclinics and pharmacy; then move the “Light of the World Diabetes Network” there and expand to more wellness-centered services like cardiology.
The next phase would be to finish the rest of the space needed for most outpatient services, including dentistry, radiology, lab and operating rooms.
The in-patient phase would be last.
The remainder of the construction would require $1M to $1.5M; however, $400,000 is all we need to finish phase I and start seeing our patients on campus.
The long (bureaucratic) process of licensing has started and will be divided into 3 phases:
We have secured the furniture and a good portion of needed equipment for phase I and II of operation (full outpatient services).